Thursday, April 30, 2009

Food Trip Singapore - Part 1

I had to unearth my photo archives for these pictures. I totally forgot that I wanted to share these pictures with you. These are some pictures taken from a food fair in Singapore. Isn't it just great that when we arrived in Singapore a few months back, there was a food fair! We actually did not know about this. We have to thank our friendly taxi driver for this valuable information :) (Of course this information is valuable to us food lovers... he he)

Of course no Singapore food fair is complete without the Bee Chieng Hang. This is Singapore's most popular food store! It is often featured in Singaporean movies. I love their meat floss and peppered beef jerky. Yum!

Takoyaki Balls, Singaporean style. I think this originated in Japan?? Taiwan also has their own version. These are made of eggs and various fillings. Very tasty!

Hubby, being a noodle fan, of course, cannot resist handmade noodles!

Madelines and other sweets and pies...

More pies, both sweet and savory... can you see the people waiting for their turn?

Why is it I cannot resist Sushi wherever I go?

Stay with me! More foodie pictures to come!


african vanielje said...

gorgeous. Serendipity is my favourite word

tigerfish said...

I live here and never been to a food fair. Just too crowded for me...

Mary Bergfeld said...

Wonderful pictures, Ning. Now I'm hungry.

Noob Cook said...

why u never come and find me! hehe just kidding. look forward to part 2 :)

Jescel said...

were those food for free? i've only been once to a food fair in Germany and I had so much fun sampling everything! I had lunch and dessert free because i got full from going around sampling everything! :o)

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Thanks Vanielje! :)

I agree, Tigerfish. It was crowded. But we thought it was because it was a weekend...

Thanks, Mary! :) I got hungry, too, reminiscing about out trip there... hehe...

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Hi Noobcook! I was looking for you and Tigerfish! I was looking for a stall with a cook and hamsters, ha ha ha!

Hi Jescel! I wish the food were free! This is Singapore, you know, where the people are also good businessmen :) However, the food is cheaper than restaurants outside the fair.

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