Monday, January 12, 2009

Ice Popsicle Making Cart

If I did not write the title, I bet you would not know what these are. Many wooden sticks (thinner than chopsticks) stuck inside bright and colorful gel-like mixture inside small tubes. The (1-inch diameter) tubes are attached to this big drum filled with ice.

The vendor makes the popsicle right on the spot. He pours liquid-y concoction inside the tubes, shakes the drum occasionally. But we did not dare to buy and taste these. We do not know where the vendor got his water or his liquid syrups. Look at the bottom picture where he keeps his water and syrups. :)

This is a street scene from the country we visited last December. From this contraption, can you guess where we went? :)


Anonymous said...

I think you went somewhere not cold in December. Why would they sell popsicles if the weather is cold?

Ivy said...

It could be anywhere. India, Sri Lanca, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia.., Barbados, any help?

Anonymous said...

Is it Vietnam? :)

Anonymous said...

btw, i love the popsicle maker... :)

Jescel said...

Hmnnn.. i thought they were candles, initially.. Was this in Thailand?

Mary Bergfeld said...

I can't begin to guess! But I can't wait to hear. The popsicle maker is a treasure.

joyce said...

We tried it! It's good! It's similar to a favorite childhood treat - the ice candy. :)

NKP said...

Wow, I have never seen anything like that!

Noob Cook said...

Bangkok? Chatuchuk Market? :P

Unknown said...

Bangkok! hehehe, Chak tu chak market to be more specific?

Ehm....I love similar popsicles they used to sell in indonesia...made with coconut milk and palm sugar...I want!

Unknown said...

acccck noobcook and jescel, i swearrrrr i didn't see your comments before i typed hehehe

Soli Deo Gloria said...

ha ha ha! Jescel, Noobcook and MochachocolataRita got it right! Maybe you've been there already! You can even give the exact market location! :)

KC said...

That looks very interesting. I saw the answer. I didn't guess Bangkok. I had figured somewhere in SE Asia.

Angela said...

Bangkok Thailand Popsicles. Delicious....syrup, sugar, and water...yummy and safe!

Anonymous said...

Nice article you got here. I'd like to read more about that matter. Thanks for posting this material.
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Anonymous said...

It's in Thailand. Feel sorry for you that you didn't try it. It's yummy! Thanks for the picture anyway. said...

I found a great deal of helpful information above!

Anonymous said...

i want one of these or atleast know how to make them.

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