Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Weekend Wokking: Pumpkin : My First Official Hosting!

If you have lots of these beautiful and healthy pumpkins, what dishes are you going to make?

photo courtesy of Kit's Chow

Plus, with the abundance of these pumpkins, what sweet and savoury dishes can you prepare?
photo courtesy of Kit's Chow

No problem! With Weekend Wokking, we can easily solve every cook's dilemma! Every month, Weekend Wokking compiles some of the best recipes from food bloggers around the world. You don't have to think hard on what dishes to prepare with the ingredient on hand, just check out the round-ups of Weekend Wokking and we can present to you the many different ways we can cook one ingredient. Thanks to Weekend Wokking Chief Wandering Chopsticks, I have the privilege of hosting this month's edition of Weekend Wokking that features pumpkins.

This is my first official hosting job, too! Thank you to everybody who participated, who are so creative and generous in sharing their yummy pumpkin recipes! Please inform me immediately if I wrote something wrong or if I have missed anybody inadvertently. I have been writing this post for two days now, because my internet connections have been going crazy these days!!!! But I am enjoying reading and drooling over the lovely recipes I have received.

Without further ado, here are the 15 yummy, sweet and savory pumpkin dishes around the world. Listed in the order they were received.

Please give a warm welcome to Nina (Canada) of Miss Adventure@Home, who created these dainty and pretty scalloped Pumpkin Ravioli, for her first participation in a food blogging event. These are healthy, dairy-free and vegetarian raviolis; quite the versatile little morsels too, as we can top the raviolis with any sauce we prefer: butter, tomato, etc.

Ivy (Malaysia) of the beautiful Precious Pea, the previous hostess of Weekend Wokking (who chose this month's yummy and versatile secret ingredient, by the way) presents us with the delicious and colorful Pea's 6 Treasures Pumpkin Rice. Actually, 9 treasures, if we count the rice, garlic and shallots! Don't be intimidated by the number of ingredients. This is actually very easy to prepare and quite delicious too!

Lori of the fun and creative Burp! Recipes made these mouthwatering Whole Grain Pumpkin Pancakes. Imagine waking up to the warm and delicious aroma of pumpkin pancakes drizzled with apples and cinnamon or maple syrup. Who would want to miss breakfast with healthy and yummy pancakes like this?

Marija of the lovely Palachinca is back with us with a nutritiously hearty, and delicious Chicken and Pumpkin Stir Fry recipe. What can go wrong with the combination of pumpkin, mushrooms, cream and turmeric? Just looking at the picture is enough to make your mouth water. Pass me a cup of rice, please.

Yasmeen (Cleveland, USA) of the healthy Health Nut shares with us a delicious and creamy custard dessert - Pumpkin Flan, topped with a very creative and innovative pumpkin seed candy. With milk and pumpkin, you can finally indulge in a healthy dessert! (Well, okay, just maybe lessen the amount of sugar :)

Humble Wiffy (Singapore) of Noobcook, who claims that she is not yet a master chef but she still likes to cook a lot, shares with us these silky and mouthwatering Pumpkin Chawanmushi. She says that pumpkin will sweeten this popular Japanese appetizer. I couldn't agree more! She also shares with us her secret on how to produce silky and smooth chawanmushi without the bubbles. With dishes like this, we already proclaim her a master chef!!!

Christine (Vancouver, Canada) of the healthy and creative Kit's Chow shares with us these delicious and lovely Thai desserts, Coconut Custards in Pumpkin recipe. I truly admire her patience in making these delicious desserts, what with the carving and stuffing and steaming she has to do. These must truly be delicious as she plans to make more soon!

TS and JS (Vancouver, Canada) the energetic sisters behind the creative Eating Club Vancouver shares with us the sophisticated version of their niece's baby food - the Pumpkin Congee with Pumpkin Beignets and Sesame Roasted Pumpkin Seeds. But they truly upped the sophistication level with pumpkin 'you-tiew' or beignets, pumpkin seeds, meat floss, and century eggs. I'll have this bowl of goodness anytime of the day!!!

Let's give another warm welcome to Ila (California, USA) of I Nom Things, which means I love to Eat! This is also her first time to join a food blogging event. She shares with us her cute, carved pumpkin and this delicious looking Roasted Pumpkin Cheesecake. Guess what? She overcame her pumpkin allergy with this cheesecake! Hurrah!

Gertrude (PA, USA) of the beautiful and informative My Kitchen Snippets sends us these cute, colorful and savory Pumpkin Tarts. You better check out her entry. She cracked her head to come up with such a creative recipe. With chicken, bell peppers and cheese, these tarts will surely taste delish!

Weekend Wokking chief Wandering Chopsticks (California, USA) made these Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls with cranberry/pumpkin butter/walnut filling with maple icing. That has got to be the longest title yet. Take note that the Los Angeles' Times Blog Daily Dish writer Elina Shatkin named this recipe "The most decadent recipe for a pumpkin-based dish." So, you better pay attention.

Multi-talented Lesley (NY, USA) of the Beachlover's Kitchen (do you know she can sew?) shares her simple Roasted Butternut Squash with Cinnamon. Squash and pumpkin are from the same family, and I'm sure this is a healthy, and deliciously fragrant side dish everybody will love.

Rita (Seattle, USA) of the beautiful Pink Bites sends us this deliciously healthy Roasted Pumpkin Salad before she takes off for her vacation. Who can resist salads such as this with lemon olive oil dressing on a bed of arugula greens? Yum!

Witty Rita (Hong Kong) of the entertaining Mochachocolatarita overcame her chocolate racism (she prefers dark over white chocolates) with this Moist and Rich Pumpkin and White Chocolate Cake. All because she realized that the whites would complement the taste of the pumpkin and the dark chocolates would not! See? Blogging could change your political, errr, tastebuds color, too!

My very own entry (Manila, Philippines) is the NY Style Pumpkin Cheesecake. Truth be told, we do not have real pumpkins here in this tropical country, but we do have lots of canned pumpkins available. Thanks to Precious Pea, this event gave me a reason to try out this interesting ingredient I have not used before. I know this is another cheesecake entry, but our styles are different. So, please check this one as well.

There you have it, the delicious savory and sweet pumpkin recipes from around the world. Next month's host is the lovely Wiffy of Noobcook. Everybody is welcome to share their recipes for the next secret ingredient of the month. Please email Wiffy at weekendwokking (at) noobcook (dot) com. Would you like to know the secret ingredient for November?




clue : It's very healthy and it is green...




another clue: it is labelled as a super-veggie, it is high in Vitamin C and soluble fiber and contains multiple nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties...




it's the BROCCOLI !!!

I hope everybody can participate, and I hope Broccoli is readily available everywhere these days since it is a cool-weather crop...

See you at the next Weekend Wokking! :)


Wandering Chopsticks said...

Oh! Fabulous job with the round-up! I love all the recipes.

Broccoli huh? Trying to get us all to eat healthy now? ;)

Marija said...

What a wonderful roundup! You did a great job! And I love that you chose broccoli :)

Lo said...

What a great collection of recipes! This gives me a few more recipes to add to my autumn repertoire.

Gotta start brainstorming about broccoli...

ila said...

O WOW! A big list of pumpkin recipes! Great job Ning!

ew, broccoli...

Beachlover said...

what a lovely posting and entry!! Thank you for hosting the event.i'm looking forward to next entry which I love:Brocolli!! it's brocolli season here!!lol!

Noob Cook said...

whoot, thanks for your lovely words, I am blushing now hehe ...

I love everyone's entries... and the great variety of dishes this month ... great round up ;)

thanks for picking broccoli, it's a super choice! :D

Precious Pea said...

Great round-up!!! Yummy!! So many creative pumpkin dishes. So hungry now, shouldn't have check your post before having my breakfast.

Unknown said...

a truly wonderful roundup! i want a slice each of the pumpkin cheesecakes and marija's stir fry, please. now lemme crack my head and think of some fabulous broccoli treats :)

Deeba PAB said...

A lady after my heart...Ning this is beautiful! Your round-up is as fab as your choice of brocolli!! Love it!!

Anonymous said...

what a feast... great job, ning... can't wait what you guys are coming up with broccoli... :)

Anonymous said...

So many more delectable pumpkin recipes to try! Thanks for the deeelicious round up.
I'm excited about cooking up with Broccoli!

ICook4Fun said...

Thanks for hosting Ning and a great round up. So many creative recipes. Looking forward to create something with Broccoli :)

Dee said...

Who knew there were so many things to do with pumpkin??? Wonderful roundup!

And I wanted to participate, but when I cut open my pumpkin, it was moldy on the inside! Looked perfectly fine from the outside. First time I've ever seen that. If I hadn't waited until the last second, I could have probably made it.

But I'm all over broccoli!

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Thanks everyone! I was afraid my choice of broccoli is boring. Ila even said EW! Really??? My daughter agrees, by the way. :) But yes, WC, I am trying to get everyone to eat healthy before you indulge yourselves on Thanksgiving!!! :) bwah ha ha ha *evil laugh*

Lori Lynn said...

Wow! That was a fun round-up to read. Love the variety.

TS of eatingclub vancouver said...

Great round-up! (Yeah, I know, I'm so late with my comment.)

Hmm, broccoli... this is another HARD ingredient!!! =D

KC said...

Great roundup! Every dish is fabulous. Thanks for hosting.

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Hi LoriLynn! Thanks for dropping by!

Hello TS! Is brocolli hard? Only because you always come up with very creative dishes! And I thought it is an easy veggie to handle! :)

Thanks KC! I hope you can join us for the broccoli as well! :)

Maggie said...

This was a great roundup! I really want to try the Pumpkin Chawanmushi!

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Hi Maggie! Thanks for dropping by! Yes, please do try the Pumpkin Chawanmushi. Noobcook won a food event award for that recipe! :)

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