Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Prawn Pot Pie

Probably making pot pies is no big deal for other kitchens. But for this Asian kitchen, whose specialties are stir-fries and soups and stews, pot pies are a whole new world of cuisine to be conquered.

I got this recipe from the Periplus Mini-Cookbook I mentioned before. But then, again, I made a lot of tweaks. This is what I did:

1/2 K medium-sized prawns, shelled
2 T butter
1 leek, white part only, sliced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 medium potatoes, cubed
1 medium carrot, cubed
7 pcs button mushrooms, sliced
1 T all-purpose flour
1/2 C chicken stock
1/2 C dry white wine
1 C all-purpose cream
1 T dijon mustard
1 stalk dill (from my balcony garden), chopped

1/2 portion pate brisee, basic crust recipe here
egg wash (egg whites, beaten)

1. Prepare the dough for the crust and refrigerate for at least one hour.

2. Preheat oven to 400 F.

4. Melt butter in a saucepan over low heat. Cook the garlic and the leek until fragrant but not burnt, around 2 minutes. Add the prawns and cook until prawns turn pink. Remove the prawns and reserve.

5. In the same pan, stir in the flour. Cook for 1 minute. Add the stock and wine. Bring to a boil and add the potatoes, mushrooms and carrots. Simmer for 10 minutes or until most liquid has halved. Stir in the cream (The book says to let the cream cook, but I do not like the cream to curdle so I did not) and add back the prawns, mustard, dill, salt and pepper to taste.

6. Arrange all these mixture in a round baking dish. Ideally, use 4 pieces single-serve souffle dishes. But this is the first time I am making a pie, so I figured, I should make one bigger one (only one pan to cover with crust, get it?)

7. Remove the pie dough from the refrigerator. Prepare the table by dusting it with flour. Use the rolling pin to flatten the dough into 1/8 inch thick round crust. Pick the flattened dough up with the rolling pin and gingerly cover the top of your baking dish. Trim off the excess.

Daughter said I look like Snow White (remember the cartoon classic?) making pie

8. Prick the top surface with fork. (Am so amateurish, I just made all the holes in a line and did not make any designs...) Brush top of crust with egg wash.

9. Bake for 30 minutes or until top is golden and crisp.

Believe me, the crust is so crispy and crunchy. The contents are so hot, creamy, and delicious! The pictures do not give the dish justice at all!

Sharing this dish with my new home-grown baby - dill, with the Grow Your Own community. This is a twice a month food event that features food we grow or raise ourselves and the dishes we make using our home grown products. The host for this edition is ME! If you would like to participate, please send me an email with a link to your entry. I'll be waiting until Nov 15 for all your delicious entries!


Noob Cook said...

Mmmm... the filling for the pie looks so creamy and delicious! Yum! I'm planning to grow a pot of dill too ;)

Beachlover said...

look delicious!! can I have one piece please:)..I would like to participate but trying to think what I had grown now:D

Anonymous said...

wow... looks so good and yummy... great job, snow white... :)

tigerfish said...

Very creative. I would usually just think of chicken pot pie. Maybe can make kinda of clam/seafood chowder and make it as filling, ya ?

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Hi Noobcook, dill is so easy to grow! and its perfect for seafoods, too!

Hi Lesley! I hope you can join GYO!

hee, hee, you see, Mikky, it is the first time my daughter see me making pies. When I was trimming the crust, she said that looks like what Snow White did! :)

Hi Tigerfish! Yup, we can change the filling ingredients. hmmm, clams and seafood sounds good!

eatingclubvancouver_js said...

Kudos to you for making a pot pie. You're right: it is hard in our kitchen too. It's not that common.

Looks good!

Rachel said...

Delicious recipe!

I just sent you an email about my entry for the Grow Your Own event and look forward to your roundup.


Soli Deo Gloria said...

Thanks JS! You create lots of wonderful dishes that are not regulars in our Asian kitchens too!

Thanks Rachel! Got your entry! Am looking forward to the round-up myself and to you hosting! :)

Andrea Meyers said...

How do you get your dill to grow on the balcony? I've tried and tried, even with grow lights, and I cannot get dill to grow in a pot. I have another pot in my kitchen to try again this winter. Your pot pie looks very tasty and comforting.

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Hi Andrea! My dill plant just grew up tall and fast. The tarragon beside it is not thriving well. (Same type of soil and weather conditions) I was thinking maybe the tropical weather suits the dill well.

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