Monday, November 10, 2008

Nutella Oatmeal Whole Wheat Bars

These are "trying-hard-to-be-healthy" sweet dessert bars. Trying hard because it contains whole wheat flour, instead of the regular white milled flour. It has loads of oatmeal, which we know is one of the super-healthy food.

Ok, I confess the ingredients that are not-so- healthy are butter and sugar. You can always lessen the amount (but who would want to?) And Nutella, mmmm, yummy Nutella. Who can resist Nutella?

Again, this is one of those easy-to bake desserts that a novice baker like me can do. It also has very few ingredients, I suppose most of which are easily available in your pantry. And the result are simply irresistible dessert bars you will not think twice of munching over and over again.

1 C whole wheat flour
1 and 1/2 C quick-cooking oats
1/2 C brown sugar
1/2 t baking soda
3/4 C softened butter


1. In a large bowl, mix together the first 5 ingredients. Press half of the oatmeal mixture in a 9 x 9 inch baking pan.

2. Spread nutella on this pressed mixture. Add in as much as you prefer.

3. Top and press with the remaining half of the oat mixture.

4. Bake in a preheated 350 F oven for 25 minutes or until the top turns golden. Cut with a wet knife into bars.

Result? Yummy bars that even my kids cannot resist. My kids refuse to eat their oatmeals in the morning. So, I have to think up new ways to serve oatmeals. Why do I insist my family eat oatmeals? Because I know oatmeals are good and healthy food!

Many studies have shown that oatmeal lowers cholesterol levels, and reduces high blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. It may also lower the risk for type 2 diabetes. The fiber in the oats help control the blood glucose level. And oats contain more soluble fiber than whole wheat, rice or corn. Oatmeal also contains a wide range of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, making it an anti-cancer food as well.

Sharing these sweet bars containing loads of healthy oatmeal with the Weekend Herb Blogging Community, a foodie event that features herbs and unique plant ingredients and the dishes we make with these ingredients. The event was created by Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen. Now, under the able management of our new chief Haalo of Cook (Almost) Anything At Least Once. This week's host is Heather from Diary of a Fanatic Foodie. To see last week's delicious and wonderful round-up, please check out Wiffy of Noobcook.


anudivya said...

:) Nutella, butter and sugar sound like heaven!
Oats and ww.flour might just offer some solace while indulging in it.

Jescel said...

hmmm.. this is how a nutri bar should be! lol... whole wheat and oatmeal with nutella, butter and sugar? that sounds like a good balanced diet to me! :o)

Maria Verivaki said...

in new zealand we used to eat these health bars a lot when i was a child. in greece, it's very hard to find such snacks, as people have adjusted to the globalised snack food regime of chips, biscuits and crisps...

Anonymous said...

oatmeal and whole wheat made it healthy right? :)

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Hello Anudivya! Yup! This is delicious! The "healthy" ingredients sort of eased the conscience a bit... :)

I love you Jescel! Balanced diet! LOL!

Hello Mediterranean Kiwi! I also encourage my kids to eat more nutritious snacks like bars, and fruits, instead of chips that are readily available anywhere.

Hi Mikky! Yup. Sweets made healthy!

Usha said...

Oatmeal bars with nutella in them...sounds fantastic...

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Thanks Usha! :) Its yummy!

Anonymous said...

I'll tell myself that it's healthy. Nothing like guilt-free binge eating, right?

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Hi Jude! healthy and yum, yum! :)

Russell said...

Just wanted to say thanks for the recipi. It's exactly what I was looking for!

American Homemaker said...

That's almost the same recipe I use with cranberry sauce instead of Nutella... I've made it with pumpkin too, but I've never thought to use Nutella.... MMMMMMmmmmmmmm Nutella's pretty much the most heavenly food ever invented.

Lori said...

Oh my......... these sound so good. You know since I have been eating whole grains, which is since 2005, I actually prefer whole grains. I also like torte (with ground nuts0 way better than regular cakes with white flour. Its amazing how your tastes become acclamated

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