Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fish Tofu Soup

Here is a no-frills, warm bowl of nutritious, clear soup. It is very easy to prepare. It is very filling. Perfect for those chilly nights when we crave for something simple and something comforting.

5 C chicken broth
1 block soft tofu, cubed
350 gms fish fillet
100 gms mustard leaves
2 T Chinese cooking wine
salt and pepper to taste
sesame oil, optional

1. Marinate the fish fillet in some salt and pepper and dust with cornstarch.

2. Bring the broth to a boil. Add the Chinese cooking wine. When it boils again, add the fish fillet pieces. Let the meat boil for a while until just cooked. Add the tofu. Add salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with sesame oil just before serving.

See? Simple to prepare, yet the hot soup tastes clear and refreshing.

Can you tell I'm feeling melancholic today? I promised myself that I am not going to rant and complain in this food blog, so I am restraining myself. Why?

Because I always believe that food we serve our family and friends should always be cooked with love. Therefore food blogs should "feel good" as well. There is a saying here that dishes turn out delicious if the cook is happy. And it turns not-so-good if the mood of the cook is sour. Do you believe that?

Besides, happiness is a choice. I choose to be happy because there are a lot of reasons to be happy about. :)


Christina Kim said...

Simple and I love it too~!:)

Jin Hooi said...

Yeah, i do believe that dishes come out delicious if the chef or cook is happy ;-)) Love the soup, looks so yummy !!

Anonymous said...

Whatever it is that is causing you to be melancholy, I hope you'll quicky get over it. TC.

Anonymous said...

i pray that whatever it is, may God give you the peace and happiness you deserve... the soup looks healthy :)

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Hi Christy! Glad you like it!

Thanks Jin Hooi! I think with cooking, it does not get too bad because we can still adjust the taste. But in baking???

Welcome Jonnek! Thanks! I am feeling better after writing that post. I guess it really helps to get some things off our minds...

Thanks Mikky! I am feeling a lot lot better from all your well-wishes. Really! :)

eatingclubvancouver_js said...

That soup looks "subtle yet profound."

Hope you feel more chipper soon. Rainy season blues?

Soli Deo Gloria said...

I love your comment, JS!!! That really cheered me up! "subtle yet profound" That is so true!

tigerfish said...

Comfort food! I would be happy to have this with steamed rice.

Soli Deo Gloria said...

You're right Tigerfish! True comfort food! :)

Anonymous said...

Dishes turn out delicious if the cook is happy ? I believe so and no wonder my dishes are quite yummy (blushed)

Viagra said...

this is a interesting recipe, you know you almost never see a recipe that combine this two elements, tofu and fish, but sound good so good.

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