Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Colorful Macaroni Soup

Macaroni Soup is a family comfort food. This dish is quite versatile, too. We can eat it for breakfast. It can served as a soup dish accompanying a main entree for lunch or dinner. It can be served as an afternoon (after school) snack. Or, it can be a quick satisfying dinner as well.

This dish is also easy to prepare. You can have any soup broth of your choice, add any meat of your choice. Add in the macaroni and vegetable of your choice, and there you have it, a hearty, satisfying macaroni soup. If you prefer the soup to be creamy, you just add in a dollop or two of all-purpose cream, or even fresh milk.

This dish is also perfect for left-overs. Just shred left-over meat or fish and vegetables and throw everything in the broth! In this sense, this is a no-recipe dish!

I made macaroni soup again because I discovered some colorful vegetable pasta in the grocery last week. This would be great for the kids!

This brand is made in Vietnam. I am not sure if it has real vegetables inside the pasta as it claims in the bag. I was simply attracted by the colors. You would understand that if you have kids, you have to present similar dishes in interesting ways. :)

The pasta looks colorful and cute when not yet cooked. However, when cooked, they almost look similar! The colors of each pasta pieces were almost gone! The finished dish was not as attractive as I expected. :(

Another thing, this pasta cooks easily, and did not retain the al-dente quality of most pasta that I was used to.

And another, the pasta was salty. I do not understand why. I do not mean the soup was salty but the macaroni itself was salty.

Another lesson on : Do not judge the cover (in this case, the food) by how it looks!

Sharing this culinary misadventure with the Presto Pasta community, headed and hosted this week by Ruth of Once Upon a Feast. To see last week's fabulous round-up, please check out Giz and Psychgrad's Equal Opportunity Kitchen.


tigerfish said...

I hope it is natural veg coloring and not artificial coloring!

I love love love macaroni soup, as a kid and now as an adult. It is comfort food to me. I cooked it recently too!

Anonymous said...

oh shoot... coloring huh... anyway, your mac soup looks delicious... :)

anudivya said...

Normally that is what happens, the color doesn't stay like the uncooked ones. That is a bummer. But I guess it is better that way with all the food colors washed away.

Usha said...

How sad,it is so disappointing when we expect something from a dish and it does not turn out that way ...loved the idea of macaroni soup...sounds great :)

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Hello Tigerfish! I am glad to know macaroni soup is your comfort food too! :) I am not sure what kind of coloring they used though..

Thanks Mikky! It is yummy and flavorful. Do you know, its made from left-over dimsum? hee hee

Hi Divya! The colors are washed away from the pasta but they are inside the soup!

Hello Usha! I hope you get to try it! :)

Anonymous said...

macaroni soup is my fave!! I can eat A LOT of macaronis at one go hehe... The coloured macaronis are very pretty, I haven't seen coloured ones here b4

Unknown said...

this is just like what i used to have when i was a kid...hmm except the colors...we didnt have anything that fancy back then (yes i AM old hehe)

Lubna Karim said...

Pasta looks awesome. I love the colorful ones.

NKP said...

The noodles are so pretty when they aren't cooked, sorry they were disappointing in the end.
Great idea for a soup though!

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Hi Noobcook! the colored ones are new around here, too. :)

Hello Rita, ha! Do not talk about our age! Shhhh...

Hi Lubna Karim! The colorful ones are indeed attractive. Unfortunately, not attractive enough when cooked... :(

Hello Natashya! Aside from my rant about the pasta, the soup was delicious! It is still a comfort food for us, specially since I served this on a rainy day...

Anonymous said...

I love macaroni soup!!! mmmm... reminds me of home. :)

Ruth Daniels said...

I too have gotten sucked into the vibrant colour of pasta in packages only to get them home, cook them and be disappointed.

Thanks for sharing the story and the recipe with Presto Pasta Nights. I bet it would be awesome with good old regular macaroni.

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Yes, Galatians, my grandmother used to cook this, too! I guess, that's why this became our comfort food.. :)

Hello Ruth! Yes, this recipe is on our regular menu, specially during cold and wet weather. This dish is actually yummy. Regardless of the pasta used. :)

Iberica Consultores said...

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xlpharmacy said...

I have never tasted this soup, but I wanna try this soup soon, it looks really delicious..thank you so much for posting

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