Monday, December 8, 2008

Paksiw Bangus - Milkfish Stewed in Vinegar

This is a very simple Filipino dish. One major ingredient (the fish) and only 5 everyday spices, making 6 ingredients in all. Almost everybody can cook this with their eyes closed (or half-closed :) Yes, it is that easy, even kids can cook this. Cooking time is 5 minutes tops. Yet, this is one the most flavorful Filipino dishes ever. When Daughter was 2 (the terrible toddler years), she would request to eat this everyday!!!

This is also the ultimate comfort food for most of us. Spicy, hot, sourish, tasty fish. Perfect to go with a warm bowl or plate of Jasmine rice!

1/2 K deboned milkfish belly
1/2 C good quality rice vinegar
5 slices fresh ginger
1 T salt
5 pcs long green chilies (siling haba)
1 t crushed black peppercorns

Just put everything in a cooking pan. Bring to a boil. Simmer for around 5 minutes or until the milkfish has changed color and is cooked. Add a little water if it gets dry. Do not overcook the milkfish or it will turn tough. Adjust seasonings to taste. Serve immediately with rice.

Yup, it is that simple.

Just like our other national dish -- the Adobo, the Paksiw also has several variations. You can of course, change the type of fish. Or even change it to Lechon (Roasted Pork) . You can even use other souring ingredients. Though, most often used is of course - the vinegar. Several months back, I have several friends arguing over the spices used in a true vinegared paksiw. One said only ginger is used. The other said you can add garlic and onions. Yet another one said you can only add onions... :)

Whatever spices used, the long green pepper is a mainstay in this dish. You can add much as you want (or less if you prefer less spice), and slice the peppers for more spicy kick. Peppers, like all gifts of nature, are healthy. They are full of vitamin C and B.

I would serve this dish to a hungry stranger who would come visiting at my door. Why? This is delicious, healthy, easy to prepare in the shortest possible time. (How can a hungry person wait so long?) Fish is easy to digest, and healthy. Because it is flavorful, the hungry person can eat lots of rice with it. :)

So, I am sharing this easy to prepare dish with BloggerAid -- Because WE CAN HELP! World Food Day event, headed by Ivy of Kopiaste, Val of More Than Burnt Toast and Giz of Equal Opportunity Kitchen. This month's event is hosted at Equal Opportunity Kitchen, where bloggers can share dishes they would cook for a visiting hungry person.

BloggerAid is a social network of bloggers, who are working together to bring awareness about world hunger and also raise funds for the World Food programme, which is the United Nation's frontline agency to fight against global hunger. We, as food bloggers have more than enough food on the table. But there are others who don't. So, maybe it is time for us to share our bounty with others. Join BloggerAid and learn how you can help. Maybe individually, our contribution may be small, but together, we can make a difference.

Giz and Psychgrad at Equal Opportunity Kitchen are selling handmade food charms made by Giz herself! The income would be contributed to the World Food Programme. Please contact them if you are interested.


  1. The recipe sounds easy to make and delicious. Pity we cannot get these ingredients here.

  2. i love paksiw na bangus, perfect with garlic rice... yours look so good... yum... :)

  3. I love it when you feature Filipino dishes ... I love tangy, spicy tastes so this one sound really tasty to me =)

  4. ohohoh...i havent tried stewing anything in vinegar. i am super intriqued! ^_^

  5. Hello Ivy! You can use different fish to stew as well.

    Thanks Mikky!

    Hey Noobcook! It's nice to know you enjoy Filipino food, too!

    Hello Rita! It is similar to Sinigang, which I believe you had tasted when you came a visiting... :)

  6. Wow Ning, that really is an easy to prepare dish but so full of good nutrients. Thank you for this wonderful entry to the Because We Can Help event

  7. I love paksiw or adobo, because it is so quick and easy to make. The payoff is so huge, because the final product is so delicious!

    The bangus looks great and I'm craving paksiw now.

  8. Bangus belly and vinegar, always good together...fried, adobo, or paksiw. Yummy!

  9. Had no idea this was so simple to make. It looks exactly how my mom used to prepare it. Thanks!

  10. Hi Giz! Looking forward to the round-up!

    Hello JS! Beware that craving! You'll eat lots of rice with it! :)

    Hello Oggi! Agree! Agree!!! :)

    Hi Jude! Yup, its that easy!
