Friday, December 5, 2008

Autumn Apple PorkChops : A Recipe

I know for most places on earth, apples are associated with autumn. So the scent and aroma of this fruit brings warm comfort during cooler days. But here in this tropical country, we do not have autumn season. Apples are always associated with the holiday season though, starting November and December. Markets and supermarkets would be brimming with bright red apples. And who can resist these juicy and crispy temptations?

I remember when I was a child, apples would be a real treat. Why? Apples do not really grow in a tropical country. At that time, importations of foreign goods and foods are limited. Imported goods like apples are quite expensive. Nowadays though, because of globalization and free trade policies, we have access to most products around the world. Our kids can enjoy apples, grapes, pears, etc., anytime they want. Does more choices mean progress? :)

Now, that would take a long discussion, so let us go back to the recipe. :)

Here is an interesting recipe I found at the site. This recipe sounded interesting as I have not tried cooking with apples before. It also looks so easy to do, and easy to prepare. Easy and healthy are synonymous with this kitchen.

I basically followed the original recipe, except that I left the porkchops brined overnight. My kids are quite picky about their pork chops. They want their meat super soft. I thought if we can brine turkey, I am sure we can brine pork chops, too! So I tried brining the meat first in salt and pepper solution. I also used a real apple, which I grated instead of using apple juice. Here's my retake on the recipe:

4 pcs pork chops, brined
1 T flour
2 T butter
1 onion, chopped
1 apple, skin removed, cored, grated
1/2 C water
2 T sugar, optional

1. Lightly flour the pork chops. Melt the butter in a non-stick skillet. Brown the chops on one side in the butter. Turn the chops to brown the other side.

2. Stir in the onions, grated apple, water and sugar. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 7 to 8 minutes. Serve immediately.

Result? Tender juicy chops that the kids find interestingly delicious. It might not look colorful and pretty. But it is flavorful and fragrant.

Another discovery. We added chopped cilantro. What can I say? We just love cilantro! And we discovered that cilantro pairs beautifully with apples!

This is my entry to the Cooking Club Challenge this month, featuring fall favorite recipes.


  1. this looks great - i've always loved pork with apple, but it's not a common food around here (greeks dont usually mix their fruit with their meat...)

  2. thanks for sharing this, maybe i'll give it a try soon... :)

  3. apples and pork chops... sounds like a winning combination to me ;)

  4. Hello Maria! I agree, it is not a common dish to do here a well. Blogging helps me expand my culinary experience :)

    Sure Mikky! Hope you tell me how yours will turn out. :)

    Hi Noobcook! Yup, I thought it was a good combination so I tried it! :)
