Monday, May 11, 2009

What Do You Think About My New Header?

The title should be : What do you think about my new header, again?

Last year, my daughter made a header for me. If you remember it was made from pink and green motif. Quite girly, but what do you expect from an 11-year-old? I am quite proud that she can even make something like that, so this site proudly wore that banner until today...

Today, my daughter presented me with a new header. Wow! Isn't this a great Mother's Day gift?

When I was 12, I did not know anything about computers. (But then, up to now, I do not know much about computers, either... ha ha ha!) Hey! I am not that old. It was just that, I do not think computers were common in ordinary homes at that time. I was out, playing hopscotch or Chinese garter on the streets. I was also a junior girl scout in school. We were not allowed to direct traffic and help other kids cross the street like what kids in more modern countries do. But I remember we were supposed to watch and guard over the playground - to keep kids safe, to keep them from fighting and to report any injuries. I do not remember if I did my job well or not, the memories are fuzzy as the movements on the playground... but I did receive a medal at the end of the year... so maybe I did do something good :)

Nowadays, kids are not allowed to play on the streets anymore. For safety and health reasons. And the kids' school removed their playground equipments because of the number of injuries and fighting (are kids more violent these days? or the parents more prone to complain?) There are no physical education subject up to grade 3! And so, what is a mom to do? I enrolled them in sports classes like swimming to keep their bodies fit.

But swimming does not occupy a whole lot of time, so the children became computer literate early. By the way, television viewing as well as computer time for kids is limited in this household. :) And we say no to violent computer games :)

I admit my kids are more computer literate than I am. My 12-year-old designed this new header. This site will be proudly wearing this banner until the time, when she makes a new banner again or maybe when my 8-year-old will be able to make his own design as well. I thank God for my kids. Soli Deo Gloria!!!


  1. It is a lovely header and you have a very talented daughter of whom you obviously very, very fond :-). Have a wonderful day.

  2. I think it looks absolutely perfect!! I LOVE your new look!!

  3. It is a beautiful header, your daughter is definitely very very talented !

  4. Your new header has lotsa L.O.V.E :)

  5. Such a thoughtful gift. Looks beautiful.

  6. How pretty! I think it's really cool!

  7. Thanks, Mary! Have a wonderful day, too!

    Thanks Hyperbaby! My daughter will be thrilled with your enthusiasm!

    Thanks, Usha! :)

  8. Hi Tigerfish! Yup! Lotsa hearts mean lotsa love! :)

    Hello Anudivya! Thanks!

    Thanks, Galatians! Cool, huh?

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  10. Nice Post, I appreciate with you and your work. Thanks for sharing...
