Tuesday, April 14, 2009


view from down under

I bought some sweet potatoes some weeks back, planning to bake some healthy sweet potato fries. I packed them away in the pantry and promptly forgot about them.

Today, I found that my sweet potatoes has sprouted! Normally, I would throw them away. But this time, I took a photo first, for Jugalbandi's Click April, the theme is Spring or Autumn. I am not really a good photographer, but these budding leaves who thrived inspite of being kept in a dark place with no soil, no water, no sunlight - truly gives an inspiration for life!

Then, after I post this, I am going to plant these babies in a pot. Maybe I will not grow new sweet potatoes (I am not sure if these root crops will thrive in a pot) but I will have the leaves that will add beautiful colors to my humble abode. :)


  1. I've never transferred sweet potatoes to pots though I've done them in water when my children were small. Let us know how the experiment goes.

  2. that's a spooktacular sweet potato. :D

  3. Yes, Mary! I haven't done this before so, I guess this is indeed an experiment! :)

    Hi Bee! The picture look spooky??? I never thought it would appear that way! LOL! I just wanted to present the sweet potato in another angle! LOL!

  4. same as mary, i put them in a bowl with a little water and they've grown beautifully that they made a nice arrangement in my dining table... after a while, i transferred them in a pot... God's creation is truly awesome, huh... :)

  5. Hi Mikky! Hi Mary! I asked our village guard about this sweet potato - if this is the variety for growing sweet potato sprouts (talbos ng kamote), and he said yes. I'm very happy I can plant these and have my own nutritious talbos!

  6. I totally agree with you, Mikky! God is good all the time! Imagine these baby leaves growing inside a dark place with no sunlight, no water, no soil! That is why I decided to give them new chance to life instead of throwing them away!

  7. Hi Ma'am! You could grow these in the pot under a window. In a few days time, you can harvest as much leaves as you want---you have talbos ng kamote! Blanch first and then season or stir-fry. (best served with fried fish or pork dishes!)

    BTW it WILL die if planted in a pot. The best is to plant it in a rectangular box-shaped planter, so the vines could grow. :p

  8. Hahha...accidental experiment?

  9. Hope you won't have difficulty growin these... :)

  10. Cool!! Sweet potato is one of my faves!!

    I've never had a green thumb, so I have to admit planting is something I never mastered.. boohoohoo

    hyperbaby :D

  11. Hi and thanks for all the tips Anonymous! The rainy season came early this year, so I am quite happy the sprouts will not dry out. Am still looking forward to those nutritious "talbos" :)

    Yes, Tigerfish, you can say that again :)

    Thanks Noobcook! :)

  12. I certainly hope so, Galatians!

    Hi Hyperbaby! I confess I do not have a green thumb either. But I do have a lot of green "experiments." ha ha ha!
