Friday, March 27, 2009

Easy Peasy Apple Crumble

Maybe you are laughing at the picture. How can I present a dish (in this case, a dessert) to you on paper plate??? Here's the story...

My daughter has just graduated from elementary school (primary school) recently. (Ahem, as a proud mother, allow me to brag a little here, she graduated top 10 of her batch, awarded with excellent star medal. To God be the glory!!!) Her honors class celebrated their milestone by having a swimming party!

And this easy-to-prepare dessert was what she requested me to bake as her contribution to their potluck. Of course I had to prepare the crumble in several big trays. (Please see pictures below.) I was not able to cut a slice for my blog picture. The picture above was taken by my daughter during their party. (Isn't it sweet of my daughter to do this even while enjoying her party?) And well, the only plates available at the party were paper plates! :)

6 large apples, cored, sliced
1/2 C water
1/3 C sugar
dash of cinnamon

2 C all-purpose flour
1 C quick cooking oats
1 C butter, softened, or at room temperature
2/3 C sugar

1. In a large microwavable bowl, mix the water, sugar and cinnamon. Add in the sliced apples. Microwave for 3 -4 minutes on high.

2. Arrange the cooked apples on the tray. Add in the sugar-cinnamon liquid. (See the photo above.)

3. Mix the flour, oats, and sugar. Cut in the butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.

4. Top the apples with the flour-oats mixture, making sure that all the pieces are covered. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes in a 375 F preheated oven or until top is lightly browned.

5. Serve warm, with ice cream, if preferred.

You can halve the recipe for a family-sized serving. But this is so yummy, a whole tray will be gone in no time. :)

Sharing this apple dessert with the Regional Recipes community, headed by Darlene of Blazing Hot Wok. This month features American food. And well, in this part of the world, anything that has got to do with apples is considered American... ha ha ha!!! This month's hosts are TS and JS of Eating Club Vancouver. Please check out their blog after the 15th of April to see delicious American dishes.


  1. Congratulations to daughter! So sweet that she thought of your blog and snapped a photo.

    I was getting worried when you hadn't blogged for a while.

  2. A graduate! Congratulations to you both. Your crumble looks delicious.

  3. Wow!! Apples are one of my fave fruits!!

  4. Nice dessert!!

  5. glad to see you're back in blogging action ;p The apple crumble looks really tasty ... and congrats on your daughter's acheivements ^o^

  6. This crumble sounds easy to make--just my kind of dessert! I love apple pie so I will have to try this. No rolling out pie dough. Yay!

    BTW, feel free to brag away! We all love and need to do it. If you're like me, you always feel too proud to keep it in :-)

  7. Thanks WC! I had an accident last March... but I am slowly back-posting, so my absence won't be too obvious :)

    Thanks, Mary!

    Hi Galatians! I'm happy you like it!

  8. Thanks, Noobcook! I really feel warm for your and WC's "mising me" messages... :)

    Hello Darleen! well, this is a fast-track apple dessert... :) no time-consuming pie dough prep...

  9. Thank you, this blog has added to my knowledge obat alami menurunkan asam lambung It's perfect
