Sunday, November 16, 2008

Grow Your Own # 20

Grow Your Own, the twice-a-month blogging event launched by Andrea's Recipes, is close to my heart. Why? Because I am a trying hard, not-so-green-thumbed gardener. It is really my heart's desire to have a lush garden, full of fruit trees, filled with the sweet scent of herbs and healthy vegetables and beautiful flowers. I can only drool with envy when my blogging friends Wandering Chopsticks and A Scientist in the Kitchen talk about the produce they have in their own gardens and the dishes they make with their produce. But I live in the heart of a mega-city, where heat, traffic congestion and pollution is a way of life. Space is precious, and the weather is not conducive to growing green life. So that dream remains a dream. :)

But still, I persist. In my limited space, I have grown some pots of lemongrass, screwpine (pandan), sweet and thai basil, leeks, coriander, tomatoes, eggplants, tarragon, and my newest babies are mint and dill. Not much, right? Maybe you are saying these are insignificant little efforts. But I promise you, the joy of seeing your plants grow inspite of the harsh conditions they are in, is truly incomparable! (Of course the grief when you see your plants wilt is another story.) Plus the bonus of not having to go out and buy these seemingly little ingredients needed when preparing a dish, is really worth the effort.

I am also a proponent of going green. Earth needs more "greens" in this time of global warming. We need more greens to counter the worsening air pollution as well. So for our own health, please try to plant more greens, wherever on earth you are living. More greens mean less carbon dioxide (to counter global warming), and less air pollution. Any kind of greens is alright. In my limited space, I just opted to grow edible greens that I can use in my kitchen. Isn't it practical as well?

Have I convinced you to Grow Your Own? If not, maybe these dishes will!

Here are the dishes Grow Your Own bloggers have made this past forthnight, from the produce they have grown or raised in their own backyards. (Presented in the order they were received.) Fresh, organic and all drool-worthy. Thank you everyone for sharing these delicious food! Thank you Andrea for this opportunity to host and to learn many interesting herbs and dishes from everyone!

Ella (Philippines) of the sunny and cheerful Everything's Herbed shares with us her birthday fare, featuring her favorite dish that her loving father cooked - Chicken in Coconut Milk (Chicken Adobo sa Gata). This ultimate Filipino comfort food uses organic, native chickens their family raised in their own backyards!

Bee and Jai (Northwestern US) of the beautiful Jugalbandi share with us lots of awesome pictures and lovely quotes, food for thoughts, and oh, this refreshing Fresh Corn, Cherry Tomatoes and Herb Salad. It is better than sex. Go check it out. Now.

Jennifer (Georgia, USA) of the warm and comfy Northside Food shares with us these deliciously intriguing Fried Green Tomatoes I have been wanting to try for a long time! She made these from the green tomatoes from her garden that will not ripen because of the cooler weather.

Gay (Philippines) of A Scientist in the Kitchen shares with us this delicious Old-school Pork Chops with Apples and Tarragon. Made with freshly picked tarragon growing profusely in her garden. She says the lightly fried apples are perfect paired with the rich pork chops.

Abby (London, UK) of the fresh and lovely Eat the Right Stuff shares with us these beautiful and I bet, wonderful tasting Rhubarb Schnapps. This healthy drink (if you drink moderately) is made with fresh rhubarbs gathered from her friend's garden.

Grow You Own chief Andrea (Virginia, USA) of Andrea's Recipes made Roasted Acorn Squash with Apples, Nuts and Sage. The roasted squash is deliciously sweetened with apples and made fragrant with fresh sage harvested from her garden; that her boys couldn't wait to taste it!

Let's give a warm welcome to Deepika (India) of the Diabetic-friendly Recipe for Dee-saster. For her first entry to Grow Your Own, she made these intriguing Steamed Colocasia Rice in Coconut Yogurt Gravy. She says this is a famous Karnataka dish that we ought to try once in our lifetime.

Rachel (NY, USA) of the glutten-free The Crispy Cook made this hearty and healthy Creamy Brussel Sprouts Soup. Made from harvested brussel sprouts from her garden. Rachel says of this soup, "it was quick to make, tasty, easy on the wallet, outstandingly healthy."

Johanna (Melbourne, Australia) of graceful vegetarian Green Gourmet Giraffe made these deliciously intriguing Spiced Yogurt Rice with Nectarines. This rice dish is made with mints from her garden. She says this dish is "pleasingly creamy, spicy with chunks of nectarine and refreshing with the taste of mint."

Ivy (Greece) of the sweet, friendly and informative Kopiaste shares with us photos of her lovely trip and a Greek version of a popular French Dish - Kokoras Krassatos me Chilopites (Coq Au Vin With Chilopites Pasta). This flavorful dish is made with home-raised roosters and xynomizithra - a local soft white cheese. Can't wait to try this out this dish myself!

Kim (USA) of Live:Love:Laugh:Eat made this red hot Homemade Tabasco Sauce, made fresh from her harvested tabasco peppers. She gives us one piece of advice: Don't sniff the sauce. It's that hot!

My (Manila, Philippines) own entry is Prawn Pot Pie made with fresh harvested dill from my balcony garden. This is the first time I made a pot pie and I found out that it was not hard to prepare a pie. The dish very delicious, hot and comforting! I just might make this more often!

There you have it, 12 delicious dishes from 6 countries, using ingredients they have grown and raised on their own. Do you grow your own, too? Join Grow Your Own, a blogging event that celebrates the dishes we create from foods we’ve grown, raised, foraged, or hunted ourselves. Next month's host is the lovely book-lover Rachel of the Crispy Cook. To participate, please send your entries to oldsaratogabooks (@) gmail (dot) com. For more information on Grow YOur Own, please visit the Grow Your Own Homepage.


  1. Everything looks great to eat!


  2. Wow...I love that pie you made...

  3. Great job hosting this fun and informative event, Ning and thank you for your kind comments. And I am looking forward to trying some of these cool recipes, like Rhubarb Schnapps and Corn, Cherry Tomato and Herbs Salad. Mmmmm.

    Just a note: my blog is gluten-free, but not vegan, just that particular recipe was vegan. The Crispy Cook has vegetarian, vegan and pescatarian (seafood) recipes. And I'll be the next guest host for Andrea's wonderful Grow Your Own event so I welcome submissions from now until November 30.

    Back to the Crispy Kitchen to cook up something inspired by all these great recipes.....

  4. Thanks Gay! Thanks Ivy! Thanks Galatians!

    Hi Rachel! I have edited the part about your blog being vegan. Thanks for the clarification!

  5. Ning, what a lovely job on the round up! Thanks for hosting, and I'm looking forward to visiting all these tasty posts.

  6. Nice round up. TOo bad I can't take part cos there is nothing I grow on my own.Wait...I did grow something recently but can only claim successful if it's really successful.;p

  7. Early this year I wanted badly to grow my own vegetables and planted a few. I quickly abandoned when the cottontail rabbits started digging through the fence to get to my veggies. So back to the farmer's market for my fresh vegetables.:) The only plants I grow are herbs on my kitchen window sill.
    BTW, I found an online store here in the US that sells the Philippine sweet pepper variety called LARA. My Lara plantlets are now growing steadily and I hope to get some fruits in 2 months.
    I'm inspired by the great entries here.:)

  8. thanks for the wonderful roundup, dear ning.

  9. another set of winners... cheers to all of you... :)

  10. What a nice round up! Sorry I couldn't take part ... been busy lately and my plants are being neglected, hehe :P

  11. what an interesting round up - and such a lovely introduction - I am impressed with the range of herbs and veg you are growing because I only have a little concrete backyard with some pots and like you would love a flourishing vegetable garden and an orchard too! So like you I have just made a small start but it is rewarding

  12. good job Ning. thanks for the lovely comments. very informative too.

  13. Thanks Andrea, for the opportunity to host! It was a pleasure! :)

    Hi Tigerfish! I am glad to hear that you are starting to grow something as well! Promise, it is going to be rewarding! :)

    Hi Oggi! Will wait with you for your peppers! :)

    You're welcome, Bee!

  14. Thanks Mikky!

    Hi Noobcook! Its okay, we always have next time! Take care!

    Hi Johanna! Am so glad to have found a gardener same as me! :)

    Hello Ela! You're welcome and thanks! hee, that makes sense, doesn't it?

  15. Great roundup, Ning! I feel so encouraged to grow more stuff. :-)

  16. Hello Deepika! YUp! The GYO community encourages me to grow more greens, too! :)
