Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sukiyaki-Inspired Beef Udon Soup

I say Sukiyaki-inspired because this is not an authentic sukiyaki dish. A true sukiyaki uses thinly sliced beef. Plus, it has tofu and other kinds of vegetables like the napa cabbage, fresh mushrooms. Here in this country, they often serve Sukiyaki bowls with mung bean vermicelli (sotanghon). Well, I did not have any of those ingredients on hand. So, I had to improvise. :)

Instead of vermicelli, I used the instant udon noodles pack I had in my pantry. Instead of sliced beef, I used roughly chopped up beef bits I found in my freezer. I did not have veggies, so I just chopped up the green onions I have.

But the sauce! This is the authentic sukiyaki sauce! Made of beef broth, good quality soy sauce, mirin and sugar. The sauce made all the difference!

1 pack instant udon noodles (flat noodles)
200 gms sliced beef, marinated in 1 T soy sauce, and 1 T cornstarch

1 C beef broth
2 T sugar
2 T mirin
4 T good quality Japanese soy sauce
1 fresh egg
green onions, chopped

1. Combine the beef broth, soy sauce, sugar, and mirin in a pot. Heat to boiling.

2. Add in the instant udon noodles. (The pack says cook for only 3 minutes.) So, after 2 minutes, add in the marinated beef. Cook for 1 minute further.

3. When noodles and beef are cooked, drop in 1 fresh egg. You may choose to stir to break up the egg. Or like me, I just stirred the egg whites, after which I left my egg yolk whole poached in the soup. Ladle in a bowl and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Instant, hot, delicious meal when you are in a hurry. After all that's the essence of Presto Pasta, right?

Sharing this dish with the Presto Pasta Nights community, headed by Ruth of Once Upon a Feast. This week's host is Ulrike of Kuchenlatein. To see last week's yummy dishes, check out the round-up done by Ruth at Once Upon a Feast.


  1. Yes, you are right, that's the essence of PPN. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Ulrike from Küchenlatein

  2. almost midnight here and drooling at your udon. The broth must be very rich, very hearty ... I want :P

  3. pardon my ignorance - newbie at cooking. did you make your beef stock from scratch?

  4. When you don't have this, you use that - I am into this too! I think the beef makes the soup very flavorful!

  5. Hi Ulrike! Looking forward to the round-up! :)

    Thanks Noobcook! Some sukiyaki sauce uses plain water, but I always have some broth on hand, so I used broth instead. :)

    Hello Skinnymum! My kids always drink soup so I always have some kind of broth on hand. Yes, made from scratch because beef bones, or chicken bones or pork bones are plenty available here, and they are always cheap. I just drop a kilo of bones (with a little meat) in the slow cooker, with various herbs or veggies and let them cook there whole afternoon. It is no effort at all.

    Hi Tigerfish! Yeah! Improvisation creates delicious dishes, too! :)

  6. Great recipe, I even have everything on hand to make some this weekend.

    Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  7. Hi Ning, your Udon Soup looks super yummy, I am drooling now..

  8. I just love Japanese food! This udon dish looks tasty!

  9. Hello Ruth! Looking forward to the next PPN! :)

    Thanks Jin Hooi! :)

    Hello Galatians! We love Japanese food, too! Especially my Hubby! :)

  10. I cooked this tonight, apart from having no eggs and cooking it a bit long so the broth boiled away it tasted pretty damn good. I added a little extra to the marinade as well, a tablespoon each of mirin and sake. I'm still surprised at how good all these meals i've been making come out. Thanks for the great recipe.

  11. What a delicious noodle soup! please post some other traditional!

  12. Thanks so much for your post, pretty helpful material.
