Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cream Cheese Spiral Biscuits

I am not a daring baker. In fact, I am less than an amateur baker :) Sometimes, I get by with using pre-mixes. Though I rarely bake, this does not mean that I am shelving my dream of baking something edible... soon. I drool at the wonderful baked creations of the baking bloggers. I often wish I can bake as good as they can.

So, I figured, I have got to start somewhere. This somewhere has to be something easy, you know, the usual requirements: less ingredients, less effort, less baking time, but something my family would eat! Does this sound too good to be true?

Well, I found one here, in this book:

According to the 500 Fabulous Cakes and Bakes, these biscuits look so impressive and melt in the mouth, yet they are surprisingly easy to make.

I read and reread the ingredients and instructions. It does sound like it is easy to make. Cream cheese is something my kids love. Plus, I have all the ingredients on hand!

1 C butter, at room temperature
1 C cream cheese, at room temperature
2 T caster sugar
2 C plain flour
1 egg white beaten with 1 T water for glazing
caster sugar for sprinkling

for the filling:
1 C finely chopped walnuts (I substituted with cashew nuts)
1/2 C light brown sugar
1 t ground cinnamon

1. Cream the butter, cream cheese and sugar until soft. Sift over the flour and mix until combined. Gather into a ball and divide in half. Flatten each half, wrap in greaseproof paper and chill for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, mix all the filling ingredients together and set aside.

2. Preheat the oven to 375F. Grease 2 baking sheets. Working with one half of the dough at a time, roll out thinly into a 28cm or 11 inch circle. Using a dinner plate as a guide, trim the edges with a knife.

3. Brush the surface with egg wash. Then sprinkle evenly with half the filling.

4. Cut the circle into 16 segments, starting from the base of the triangles, roll up to form spirals.

5. Place on baking sheets and brush with the remaining glaze. Sprinkle with caster sugar. Bake until golden, about 20 minutes. Cool on wire rack.

Perhaps it is the quality of the butter I used, or perhaps it is the heat in this tropical country, the dough just would not combine together! Immediately after chilling, they would hold enough for rolling out, but I have not yet finished rolling when they would crumble apart. So, I have to chill the dough again. The third time, I did this, I flattened out the dough before chilling, so that, after chilling, I would just have enough time for cutting the dough into triangles and roll them into spirals.

Result? Not as pretty as the picture in the book. But I promise, the taste is just yummy! Melt in the mouth, buttery, creamy, cheesy biscuits. Not too sweet, just the way we like it. The kids finished them soon after.

Sharing these biscuits with the Bookmarked Recipes community, headed and hosted by Ruth of Ruth's Kitchen Experiments. I apologize that this is a bit just near the cut-off time. I already have the recipe, but had been sick the previous days so I was not able to get up to post this earlier. Anyway, to see last week's delicious recipes, please click here.


  1. sorry, but i have to disagree, they are as pretty :) looks so crisp and yum... :)

  2. You could very well be a daring baker! Those look so pretty!

  3. They look great and any kid would love these.

  4. Thanks everyone! for your support and encouragements! You know, your positive words do "embolden" me to try baking more :)

  5. looks great, I think you are on your way to becoming a daring baker =) The sprial biscuits are so adorable, at first look I thought they resemble Japanese fried chicken :D

  6. I was hardly a baker when I joined daring bakers but thought it would help me learn more and having a community there has been helpful.

    These biscuits look so impressive! Well done you!!!! can't wait to see your next bake.

    Thanks for sending this into bookmarked recipes

  7. Thanks Noobcook! Now you ave aroused my curiosity about Japanese fried chicken! :)

    Thanks Ruth! I always look forward to BR!

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