Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chicken Curry with Mango

Ever since I started blogging, I prefer to visit other food blogs for recipes rather than browsing through my cookbooks. Yup, even Hubby noticed that I rarely consult my cookbook shelves anymore. Is this the same with you? I think that food blogs are more authentic than cookbooks. Food blogs do present recipes that the authors/bloggers have tried and cooked in their own kitchens. Food blogs are also more personal. Bloggers share their thoughts, ideas on how to improve a recipe, they also share their kitchen disasters, what to do and what not to do... You can say, we are learning directly from each other's kitchens!

When I visit other food blogs, I am encouraged to be more adventurous in my cooking. I get tempted to try interesting dishes I would never have thought about. One major cooking adventure I am trying now is doing curries. I know this may sound boring to you. Curries are so common! But not in this household. Hubby and I do not remember liking curries at all. But seeing the many curry recipes of food bloggers tempted me to try cooking curries. So, I had my first adventure with Shrimps in Red Curry and it turned out delicious. Yummy, fragrant, we ate a lot of rice with that dish. Even the kids love it.

Then, I saw Wandering Chopstick's recipe about Malaysian Mango Chicken Curry. It sounded delicious. It looks delicious. We love mangoes. How can any dish with mangoes go wrong? I knew I just had to try this.

I do not have the Malaysian curry that Wandering Chopsticks used. So, I subsituted with the Thai yellow curry paste (available in Asian groceries and supermarkets.) I also had to add the onion leeks. Hubby definitely has to see some "greens" in his food. Other than that I followed her recipe to the letter.

1 kilo chicken pieces (I used the chicken thigh and leg quarters), skin removed
4 T thai yellow curry paste
1 can (330ml) Coconut Cream
1 large onion diced
2 large mangoes, seeded, cubed
1 stalk onion leeks

1. In the wok and skillet, mix the curry paste with the coconut milk. Heat up the wok and stir the contents until thoroughly mixed.

2. Add in the chicken and the onions. When the mixture boils, add in the mangoes. Let simmer until chicken is thoroughly cooked, around 20 minutes. Add in water if you want more sauce. I added a can's worth of water.

3. Add in onion leeks. Stir for a while before turning off the heat. Serve with a lot of rice.

Oh, and one more thing, I added around 2 tablespoon of brown sugar after tasting the cooked chicken. But this is because we have Filipino taste! We prefer dishes a little bit sweeter. This is optional of course. :)

My sister-in-law passed by our house just as we were finishing dinner and when she smelled the curry, she said it was very very fragrant and she wanted to try it. She declared it to be flavorful and spicy!

This curry adventure is submitted to Bookmarked Recipes, a food blog event by Ruth of Ruth's Kitchen Experiments. This is an event where anyone from anywhere can blog about a recipe they had bookmarked from a cook book, food magazine, food blog, food website, from TV etc, cook it or bake it and submit it to a weekly roundup. To see last week's creative round-ups: the 16th edition, please click here. Check out Ruth's site on Monday to see this week's round-ups.


  1. The curry looks really nice ... I can eat two bowls of rice with it :P I am quite inspired to make curry from scratch (not using those box spices) one day, heh...

  2. totally! i love searching online compared to cookbooks...and i loveee reading about all the personal experiences :)

  3. I'm glad I got you to experiment with curries. Try my green curry recipe next. It's got lots of lemongrass and tastes sooooo much better made from scratch than the mixes.

  4. I added another kind of fruit into my curry too! Will post soon.

  5. I definitely prefer looking though other people's blogs for inspiration before my cook books too!

    Great curry, the mango makes a great addition!

    Thansk for sending this to bookmarked recipes!
