Thursday, February 14, 2008

Molten Chocolate Cake

This is the chocolate dessert I made for Hubby for our Valentine Dinner. Actually, thit is the first time I made this. I got the recipe from the internet (Truly sorry I forgot which site.) I modified the ingredients a bit, actually just lessened the chocolate content but otherwise, I stuck to the original recipe. Also, I think the souffle cups I used are bigger, so it took a bit longer time to bake.

After I transfered the cakes onto our plates, and we started cutting it, Daughter ooohed and aaahed. It really looked so delish! With the molten chocolate oozing out, we couldn't wait to put those tasty goo into our mouths!

3 squares semi-sweet baking chocolate
1 T cocoa powder (I used Dutch-processed cocoa)
1/2 C butter
1 C granulated sugar
1 t vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
6 T flour

1. Preheat oven to 425 F. Butter 2 pcs "1 cup" custard cups or souffle dishes. Place on baking sheet.

2. Microwave baking chocolate, cocoa powder and butter in a large microwavable bowl on high 1 min; or until butter is melted. Stir with wire whisk until chocolate is completely melted. Stir in sugar until well blended. Add in the vanilla extract. Blend in eggs and egg yolks with wire whisk. Stir in flour. Divide batter between the 2 prepared custard cups.

3. Bake 15 - 18 min until sides are firm but centers are soft. Let stand 1 min. Carefully run a small knife around cakes to loosen. Invert cakes onto dessert plates. Serve immediately.

You can decorate the chocolate cakes with whipped cream or just sprinkle with powdered sugar. But I did not do this anymore because the cakes already looks so rich and so pretty. You can add some more flavors like cinnamon (1/4 t) and nutmeg (also 1/4 t) or you can add coffee powder to make molten mocha cakes. However, I think that this original pure chocolate form is still better. Try this recipe. The cakes are flaky on the outside and soft and gooey inside. Best served warm. This is an easy recipe to make for such a deliciously rich and yummy treat!

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